Added: March 10th, 2015
This is an excellent guide to follow, whether planning the installation of the CCS-100 on your vehicle, or when troubleshooting any issues you may have during and after the installation. We greatly appreciate Blayde for this contribution to our Knowledge Base.
This is a fairly difficult installation, please consider your abilities before proceeding. Allow several days for the installation, this is not a project to rush through. As you do the install remember that your life directly depends on the competence of your labor.
I would like to thank Dave for an excellent piece of work! While this was written for the Concours, I am sure you can use it to work on other motorcycles as well. If you haven't purchased a cruise unit yet, please consider doing so from us. Click here to see more information on the units, and to order.
There is no way I could type up each and every little step you have to go through to install this thing, and there are many possible variations to how it could be done. This is just to show you how I did it on my bike. I will do my best to cover the important points. There are many more photos of the process than those shown here. If you want to see them all you will have to go look at the gallery: C14 Audiovox Cruise Install Photos.
The usual disclaimers: Installing and using this kit is the responsibility of the person doing the work and operating the motorcycle. The information contained below is a guideline and represents what has worked for me. Your installation may be different and may require different materials and procedures. The installation of anything that controls the throttle of a moving vehicle has substantial risk both to the operator and others in the area. Be careful during the installation and use common sense.
All the usual disclaimers and warnings listed for Brian Felice's installation apply here as well!
These are the installation instructions for our handlebar wedges for the C14, originally known as "Phil's Wedges", and now offered by us with his approval. Check the product out here.
These are the installation instructions for our new shifter option for the C14, which happens to be available here!